onsdag 4 december 2013

Gaining health in an exiting way!

I have had a wonderful exiting time these last 13 months by exploring other cuisines than my normal Scandinavian. And in the Vietnamese kitchen I have found such healthy foods and great tastes. It has been a lot of fun and a great challenge even, since here in Stockholm where I have lived it has not been easy to find the ingredients.

I have not only lost weight and gained a lot of health benefits, but also gotten a new and exciting hobby.  I have learned to cook food that people really only go to restaurants and eat and maybe cannot even find it there.  And now I can make them and it is really inexpensive as well since there is so much greens.

I now know all the Asien Markets here in Stockholm and surrounding areas. I have also learned to adapt the receipts to use the more common vegetables for us, vegetables easier to find. Still I make sure I watch the amounts of carbohydrates so I choose those with less instead of those with more. And I have studied and learned about the vitamins and minerals in the various ingredients. And I can only see gains and no losses in every change I have made.

The great thing with the Vietnamese and even Asien way to prepare the food, is that it is steamed or woked instead of fried or boiled. The other great thing is all the healthy vegetables. And the third thing is the spices and tastes. It makes any dish a feast really and without the fats and calories from sauces or dressings that we might normally use. And Vietnamese is even healthier than what I have been eating of Chinese food for instance. One reason because of the dipping sauces that comes along. 

Healthy Soups!

Over these months I have eaten a lot of soups as well. It fills you up. And I find it a great thing to eat when wanting to lose weight. And even here you can make a lot of great soups inspired by the Vietnamese kitchen. So here is a soup I have made a lot as well these months.

If you cannot find or access the exact ingredients use your creativity and your own taste and what you have locally around you.

The point is you can spice up the food and the soup or a salad instead of using fat sauces or dressings that you might use for a main dish or a salad normally. Here you have a hot main dish with lots of vegetables and spices and all health at the same time. And the soup will make you feel full. 

Vietnamese Sweet and Sour Fish Soup


Here in Stockholm I have never been able to find elephant ear which is in this receipt so I have put something else in instead. One thing I have used is Lotus Root and it is great, crunchy and good and looks great in the soup as well!

Lotus root has a lot of vitamin C, but also a lot of other vitamins and minerals. It is very low in calories and carbohydrates as well. The fiber, together with slow digesting complex carbohydrates in the root help reduce blood cholesterol, sugar, body weight and constipation conditions.

Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body protect from scurvy, develop resistance against viral infection, boosts immunity, hasten wound healing and remove cancer causing harmful free radicals from the body.
In addition, it contains moderate levels of some of valuable B-complex group of vitamins such aspyridoxine (vitamin B-6) which influences mood, help control nervous irritability, headache, and tension. It also protects heart-attack risk by controlling harmful homocysteine levels in the blood.

Further, the root provides healthy amounts of some important minerals like copperiron, zinc, magnesium, and manganese, cofactors for the production of red blood cells.

Another great vegetable in this soup is Okra. It is also very rich in both Vitamins A and C and have a lot of other vitamins and minerals as well. It has no fat and almost no carbohydrates, it has good dietary fibers and very little calories.

måndag 2 december 2013

Craving for a snack!

Craving for a snack!

Change over 13 months - now to the right, November 2013

Since I decided to change my diet I have not once rewarded myself with eating something I removed. So no cakes, no desserts, no sweets, no soft drinks, no wine, nothing at all! No matter what I have made for others I did not touch it myself if it has had any of the ingredients I decided to remove. I see it this way; I only destroy for myself.

My reward is the results I get by sticking to my new way of eating and to be really determined to just do what I have set out to do every day. And the fact is I have been doing this not thinking about how far it will get me even or how long time it will take.

Just simply sticking to it every day my reward is all the weight I have lost and at the same time all the health I am gaining through this healthy food stuffs.

Still sometimes I get some craving for something to munch on. And I figured from the start that when this feeling comes it is when it would be tempting to cheat on oneself, to just grab what is available. So I have been very meticulous with making sure I have ingredients at home that I can eat. And also for snacks I have made sure I always have some certain things that I can grab and munch on.

My snacks for these 13 months have been CARROTS, COCKTAIL TOMATOES, SUGAR SNAP PEAS!
I could have chosen other fruits I guess: However these have fibers and makes me feel filled up and I have to chew them as well, so it is more to munch on really than grapes or something like that. And it is also incredibly healthy snacks. So I will just peel the carrots and cut them nicely so they look pleasant and inviting. Even the tomatoes I can arrange nicely just for the sake of making the feeling of a little luxury. Sometimes however I will just grab one tomato or carrot in a hurry from the refrigerator, or maybe a couple of peas as I am doing something. And it stills the craving.

I have never been a person craving for sweets, so I have not missed this at all. However I have liked salty snacks. So I tried to figure out what could I eat that would give a little feeling of spices but would not destroy my diet. I found these dried green peas, Wasabi Coated Green Peas in the Asien Markets here in Stockholm. I decided to try them and found they are great for me. Just one of them is so spicy that it stills my want for a spicy or salty snack.


Great snacks and health for the body!

Sugar Snap Peas

These peas I just eat raw and they are crunchy and delicious. They are also very healthy. They have a lot of vitamins that can provide many different health benefits. Vitamin K is a vital vitamin able to keep calcium levels at a proper level and helps to build up the strength of bones and teeth. Sugar snap peas are also very high in Vitamin C, essential for keeping the immune system healthy “a cupful of sugar snap peas contain the same amount of vitamin C as half an orange. Sugar snap peas also contain vitamin B in the form of folate or folic acid. Low levels of folate can raise homocysteine levels, which helps lower the risk of heart attacks.

They also have a lot of minerals. Iron is bountiful within sugar snap peas and the mineral helps with blood cell formation and can prevent anaemia and fatigue.

As well as a range of helpful vitamins and minerals, sugar snap peas are great for anyone who is trying to lose weight, as the vegetable is very high in fibre making them filling; as well as being very low in calories (approximately 70 calories for every half cup). The sweet taste of the pea, combined with these other factors, make it a great snack dish for anyone dieting who gets hungry in between meals.

Learn more on the links below:


Carrots are full of vitamin A. With this orange crunchy power food you get vitamin A and a host of other powerful health benefits including beautiful skin, cancer prevention, and anti-aging. Some benefits of Carrots are improved vision. Western culture’s understanding of carrots being “good for the eyes” is one of the few we got right. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina, to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision. Beta-carotene has also been shown to protect against macular degeneration and senile cataracts. A study found that people who eat the most beta-carotene had 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration than those who consumed little. Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Also the high level of beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism.  It help slows down the aging of cells. Studies show that diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart disease.  Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also alpha-carotene and lutein. The regular consumption of carrots also reduces cholesterol levels because the soluble fibers in carrots bind with bile acids. Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat in the liver. The fibers present in carrots help clean out the colon and hasten waste movement. Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste.  Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva, which being alkaline, balances out the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria.  The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage. From all the above benefits it is no surprise that in a Harvard University study, people who ate more than six carrots a week are less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate only one carrot a month or less. You can even benefit in beauty from carrots. 


Tomatoes are rich on vitamins as well. Intake of tomatoes has also long been linked to heart health. Fresh tomatoes and tomato extracts have been shown to help lower total cholesterol. In addition, tomato extracts have been shown to help lowering risk of heart problems. Tomatoes are also likely to rise further and further toward the top of the list as heart healthy foods.

To learn more read on the link below:

lördag 30 november 2013

Avoiding fat!

Fat in food and cooking oils

Cooking oils!
Since I changed the ingredients of my diet last October I have omitted some things totally from my food. One of these things is butter and fats. I have not eaten cheese or cream or any bakery´s or anything with any fat or butter in. I never use butter to fry or make any kind of food I would eat. Also I have almost not used cooking oil at all. If ever I have used it for woking or frying I have only used sunflower oil, sesame oil or olive oil, however very, very little, since any oil is fat!

However there are great differences in various types of oils. Before October last year I used to buy the cheapest oils because of my financial situation. And I realized when starting to study cooking oils that I because of this also used oils that was not the best oils.

Still when I decided to make a change I simply tried to remove certain ingredients totally from my diet instead of replacing them with low fat or less sugar and so on. I simply decided, no fats, no sugar. And this I have stuck to. So I have also avoided foods that are half fabricated totally as well. Even though I have always made food from scratch, but this year I have totally stuck to this without exception. I simply wanted to know exactly what I digested, to be in as much control as possible and to see if I could get a result.

However when it comes to fats that are naturally in meat or fish for instance, I have eaten those without any restraints. I have tried to keep to meat that is as low as possible in fats, like turkey and chicken mostly. But I have eaten other as well as ground beef. Also fruits of all kinds and then also sugars that are naturally in fruits I have eaten. 

Here is one dish I made a lot and just fried in a little olive oil.

Ukrainian Vegetable Burgers

I have searched a lot on the internet myself to find out about cooking oils and I give some links here where you can find very good descriptions of various kinds of oils and on one site called Miss Vickie I found some links with a lot of information.

All about Cooking Oils
While all oils are pure fat, not all fats are created equal. Saturated and trans-fatty acids seem to be the culprits if you have health concerns.  Margarine or Trans Fat Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils contain TRANS-fatty acids. Read your food labels, if it says, "partially hydrogenated," try to avoid them. They are present in all commercially made doughnuts, crackers, cookies, pastries, deep-fat fried foods (including those from all major "fast-food" chains), potato and corn chips, imitation cheeses, and confectionery fats found in frosting and candies. All of them have unsaturated fats which can be damaged at high temperature and converted to a trans-fat. Look for fats labeled super-unsaturated (like flax seed) or monounsaturated (like olive and canola oil).  Polyunsaturated oils are also healthy choices.

All about cooking oils

Types of cooking fats and oils

The best cooking oils for your health

Good fats and bad fats

onsdag 27 november 2013

Inspired from the Vietnamese way of cooking

Steaming instead of frying or boiling

Today just for fun I went to a mall to try clothes. I have done this now and than over the last six months. And I enjoy the fact that I actually can fit into clothes in a normal store again. I can just pick something from the rack in the ordinary ladies department and it will fit. This has not been possible for years for me.

It is five weeks since I did this last time and now today I went again. And I felt very satisfied since I could fit into pants one size smaller than five weeks ago. Even the tops I could fit into a size smaller.  These things just gives me inspiration to continue the way I have been doing these last 13 months. Now I can really see and feel so much results.

During this time I have eaten a lot of greens as I have written about before. Now I want to just share how I prepare them, since this has been a great experience as well for me, a new learning experience as well.

Preparing the vegetables and food I have found inspiration in the Vietnamese Kitchen. These last thirteen months I have made a lot of Vietnamese dishes and studied receipts and gotten inspired.
I also learnt a new way to cook and prepare the food. This is through steaming the food instead of boiling or frying.  I have used the wok to prepare dishes as well but most days I use the steamer to prepare the vegetables. I even use it for other dishes, to defrost, cook or heat.

Woking is a great way to make a sallad a warm dish instead of cold. And I just add spices instead of dressing to make it tasty. I add some meat or fish or shrimps or meatballs or anything I like to make it a little more a whole meal than just a sallad.

What is great with the steamer is that I can steam the vegetables to the softness or crispiness I prefer and also all the nutrients will stay in the vegetables. There is also no oil or anything needed. The Vietnamese or Chinese steamers have several layers, so I can cook many different vegetables at the same time. I can even have a layer with the main dish to keep it warm.

Sometimes when in a hurry, I will put frozen meat in one layer, chicken for instance, instead of defrosting in the microwave, or if I forgot to take it out the day before. I can cook it in the steamer and just fry it up a bit when it is just ready to be served. Even fresh meat I steam before frying it up. This makes it more juice and not dry as it can become sometimes if frying or baking in the oven.

There are different types of steamers. For about six months I used a Bamboo steamer that can be placed in a ordinary pot. You put a little water in the bottom of the pot and the steamer inside. However since I used it so much it one day fell apart. So I had seen the stainless steel one´s in the Asien Markets where I had been buying foodstuffs. And I decided to get one of the smaller and cheaper one´s. And it has been great.

This weekend I made Roasted Turkey and served it with mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts, carrots and gravy. I boiled the potatoes in the bottom pan, steamed the Brussels sprouts in one layer and the carrots in the second layer, one pot for all. The taste of the vegetables is so much better this way than when cooked in water.

Since it is Thanksgiving the coming weekend for many people, I also give you the link to my Roasted Turkey Dinner. And you know, Turkey meat is the best meat ever when you want to eat healthy and even loose weight.

Roasted Turkey for Thanksgiving

Nutritional value Turkey meat

tisdag 26 november 2013

Losing weight in an incredibly healthy way!

This morning I weighed myself. It is five weeks since last time. I found I have dropped 5 kilos these last five weeks. And all I have done is just to continue my food journey as I have done the last 13 months. I will continue to share some healthy food explorations with you.

As I wrote I have discovered Napa cabbage, however not only that but cabbage in general. I had no idea before how valuable vegetables they really are. So I will share some more knowledge here.
Compared to potatoes, yam, cassava, rice or even pasta, which we commonly use to eat with for instance meat or fish of various kinds almost every day, these underestimated vegetables are full of nourishment! This year I have eaten cabbage almost every day as a substitute for potatoes, rice or pasta that is more normal in my culture. And I have dropped weight incredibly, however also gained so much healthy benefits through the nutrients. There is no need for vitamin pills if we combine the natural foods we can get from nature. And I have been able to just eat and feel full.

The gain is really incredible. Cabbage has almost no carbohydrates. That was the first I looked for. But when looking for this I found that Cabbage of various sorts are full of so many vitamins.

Red cabbage for instance is full of A and C vitamins. It even has Calcium, Iron and B-6 vitamins. 

Even green cabbage has a lot of vitamins compared to potatoes, rice and pasta.

I have also eaten a lot of Carrots, both with meals and just as snacks when I feel hungry and want to munch on something. Carrots have incredibly amounts of vitamins A for instance.

I have also eaten a lot of Cauliflower and Broccoli. Both these have a lot of vitamins as well and very low on carbohydrates. So I have eaten this almost every day as well. To go with it I have had fish, chicken, meat of all sorts, turkey, shrimps, or just a vegetable dish.

One day after about ten months I for the first time thought about the fact that I longed for lasagna. However, I have removed pasta during this time totally. So I was trying to think how I could make lasagna without pasta platters for lasagna layers. I made up my own receipt for a yummy Lasagna, using red cabbage as layers.

Go to my foodblog for the reciept!
My daughter calls this lasagna a health bomb! And it really is!